Thursday, August 28, 2008

Scrappy Doo

Cassidy and I are at a hot springs camp. She has a scheduled time to shower, and right before we leave the common area, Cassidy shape-shifts into a scrap of paper - a little corner. She puts herself in a box along with other papers and folders and I carry her to the shower room for her appointment.

I can't seem to find the little scrap once I get to the shower. The shower is still not available, so I leave the box in front of the door. Frustrated but confident that the little scrap Cassidy will get showered. Jay Leno meets up with me and puts a comforting and warm arm around my waist. He walks me toward city park. It's full of activity and people that want my service.

in clear, fresh water, denotes spiritual or physical renewal
Comedian suggests that you need to be more carefree.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Man Eating Crabs

The title is much worse than the interpretation. The dream beginning is foggy, but I end up on a familiar strand of beach. From my childhood and adulthood. Both a real beach and a reoccuring dream beach. It's in British Columbia - the vacation province of my childhood. I step down on the beach and I'm with my longtime friend/foe Ken Staves. I see 3 crabs. They are the size of VW Bugs. I comment that they are man-eating crabs, but I'm not afraid. Ken is concerned, but doesn't want to show fear. The crabs are slowly crawling toward us. We climb up the dune of the beach and watch them from a safer spot.


signifies perseverance and tenacity. On an extreme note, you maybe be too clingy and dependant and hanging on to a hopeless endeavor.
To see the beach in your dream, symbolizes the meeting between your two states of mind. The sand is symbolic of the rational and mental processes while the water signifies the irrational, unsteady, and emotional aspects of yourself. It is a place of transition between the physical/material and the spiritual.
To see your friends in your dream, signifies aspects of your personality that you have rejected, but are ready to integrate these rejected part of yourself. The relationships you have with those around you are important in learning about yourself. Additionally, this symbol foretells of happy tidings from them and the arrival of good news.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Easter Eggs

I'm riding a gliding bike/vehicle. I am in the lead with my husband, my mom and my sister following. We are riding south of my childhood hometown. What used to be countryside. We arrive at a daycare for disadvantaged children.

An easter egg hunt begins. Easter eggs the size of footballs are hidden in the yard. Under trees and bushes and high grass. All of the children scramble for the easter eggs that are full of sweets and heart shaped aluminum, food and some glass baby shoes.

I call for Cassidy to quickly come to find an easter egg. I am anxious that they may all be gone. she find one. It has a glass baby shoe inside with a fleur de lis etched into the top.

Eggs are potential and bikes are freedom without responsibility and shoes are our path... glass is the last barrier to the spirit world. I'm on a free-wheeling search for my spiritual potential as a mother, wife, sister and daughter. Yee ha!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Hunca Munca

I met a man this past Thursday. He reprints and publishes Beatrix Potter books, favorites of my childhood and my adulthood. A beloved character in the "Bad Mice" book is Hunca Munca (I love that name - when my daughter was little she would say my brothers name "Uncle Michael" so fast it sounded like Hunca Munca - to this day it sticks).

Six months ago I dreamt of a man in a hallway shipping boxes. When I looked in the boxes I found they were full of Beatrix Potter books. The dream man and the "real" man both had the same full head of grey hair and the same rose colored collared t-shirt. I met the real man on Hunca Munca's birthday (my brother). The man lives in a preserved historic home of "storybook" architecture. Of course.

Of note: Beatrix Potter preserved farms and land in the countryside of her birthplace.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Jazz Hands

row, row, row your boat. gently down the stream. merrily, merrily, merrily merrily.

i am in new orleans. it's jazz fest week. i am cleaning out our katrina damaged garage. i find 4 tiny kittens. next day - a cat skeleton. moldy love letters i wrote to my husband go in the shred pile. stinging caterpillars lurk in every corner.

i work side by side with an unlikely soul mate. living life each moment, each day. without criticism or condemnation .

12 hour days cleaning. sweaty, dirty and happy.

life is but a dream.

Friday, April 25, 2008

snowy road home

I am driving my car east toward my childhood hometown. It's the trans-canada highway but there are no other cars i can see and it is covered in several feet of snow. i have to go very slow and even then i seem to be out of control. i strangely decide to get out of the car and walk. i walk several miles and come across another person who is walking but he is going back in the direction i came. i decide to turn around and go back to my car. on the way back i think i am lost because i am blindly following the other walker. there is a country club ahead and i stop in to use the bathroom. i walk intot the girls locker room past broken golf shoes. the doors on the stalls are hinged high so that everyone can see in. a housekeeper asks me to turn off the "bird" light in my stall.
barack obama is speaking at the country club. i am about to start my walk back in the snow to my car, but decide to go back and tell obama how much respect i have for how he has handled the obstacles and his life and i wish him luck. he thanks me. someone drops a brief case out the door and it slides in the snow. i run into my difficult uncle and he says he can't stop because he is late for an appointment. i ask someone if the road ahead is the transcanada highway headed west. they say yes. i start back in the deep snow wondering why i got out of my car in the first place. i could have just slowed down and made it without all the drama.

To see snow in your dream, signifies your inhibitions, repressed/unexpressed emotions and feelings of frigidity. You need to release and express these emotions and inhibitions. You may also be feeling indifferent, alone and neglected.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


I have a ticket to cruise. But I can't find my way back to the dock and I don't know what ship or what time I am leaving. I am in a tunnel and I don't know what direction I'm going. Then someone else asks me for directions, and of course I know. I find myself close to the dock...but when I get there the ship has already sailed...but I still don't know if that was my ship. (self explanatory with an average IQ)

To see a ship in your dream, denotes that you are exploring aspects of your emotions and unconscious mind. If it is a cruise ship, then it suggests pleasant moods.
To dream that you are lost, suggests that you have lost your direction in life or that you have lost sight of your goals. You may be feeling worried and insecure about the path you are taking in life. Alternatively, you may be trying to adjust and get accustomed to a new situation in which the rules and conditions are ever changing.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

i believe i can fly

just another flying dream - it was about time. (the earlier dream last night was observing a fat man chasing the young actress from gilmore girls from her tent while still in her sleeping bag. it should be clear why i choose to focus on the flying dream)

i jump in excitement from a dock to find myself over water, fully dressed carrying unknown stuff. i don't want to fall in the cold water. so i don't. i concentrate and hover. then i push myself up and then i fly. sweet. prior to flying from the dock i was with people i don't know that were oblivious to me. i was out of place. it was time to leave. ( 4 of those happy little girls dressed in white showed up again)

Sleeping Bag
represents warmth and protection. You are expressing a desire to slowly explore the realm of your unconscious.
suggests that you have successfully gotten through some tough times and emotions.
To dream that you are flying, signifies a sense of freedom where you had initially felt restricted and limited.

p.s. my worst nightmare attempted to call me twice on thursday, but alas, my voicemail was full - progress.

Friday, April 18, 2008

I'm Your Man

I was sitting to the left of Leonard Cohen at a bar in europe he was wearing a suit...i wanted to know if he would tour in the u.s. so i could see him. he said maybe. more of this dream i can not recall - yet. i have long been inspired by leonard cohen.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

a flying leap

having a meeting in an airstream with jeune and christianna and guillet and min - (my energies need rerouting - it's time). we hear a noise and then the airstream is being hauled off with us in it. a disgruntled man in an pickup is driving us off a cliff (or the edge of my building) - i'm feeling out of control -into san diego bay. we worry about surviving the landing....we grab mattresses to cushion the fall ...but we make a smooth landing on I-5 headed north...the driver weaves through industrial neighborhoods until a stop...guillet beats him up and shoves him down a chimney where he is stuck...

analyze that.

i'm here.... and afraid... of there...where the changes will take me.. will i survive?... i do...easily...and i have protection

so another premonition ends up that last night I find myself in a meeting on the 34th floor of 750 B street. looking out the window over san diego bay and the coronado bridge and point loma - the exact view of my dream. I am in a meeting with the san diego fine arts society - their first meeting -at the university club (jeune and christianna's business is future ink - guillet stopped by just before i left to the meeting to drop off my ilife 08. (i get it)

Friday, April 11, 2008

my worst nightmare

i met her. yesterday. she has no money. no assets. none. she has few teeth and those she has point north. her hair is a brillo pad died orange with an inch of grey roots. and she is angry and judgemental and blames everyone but herself for her predicament.

not a dream.. i really met her - she tried to get me to let her live in my house for nothing.
did i mention she has a bum leg..probably her left one.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

child of mine

white...happy and sleepy, playful, innocent... i'm in my childhood with my friends and family and all girls, lots of girls and I try to find my place and i am different. i like green. ..i step on turquoise - good luck, good fortune and male power in a familiar hallway...i am in transition... my dreams tell me so


this looks like it could be a dream...just not mine

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

sailing into unknown territory

my fathers courage and zeal has me sailing to an unknown end, but i believe we will win, i believe we will succeed, but i am scared - so i focus, and put the money aside for safety and believe i can survive - i can concentrate - i can swim - i know how to fall safely from the sky - and i survive the fall and see the dry bag of money still there for me. But I must negotiate with the foreign feminine.
riiiiiight. (my left shoulder aches - not dreaming)

(a premonition dream - my first call on the 'dawne house for sale' ad - asks if i am willing to consider a lease option - "yes" - it is ellen from france that i am negotiating with - my foreign feminine - difficult for me to understand - unless - i relax, and breath and concentrate - because i do know french- i just forget - so rarely used in the last 25 years -yet i know... and later an invitation from one who could be my father - to sail again and sky dive - soon)

road to happiness April 7

I am gliding on roller blades down a winding sloping country road. My journey has a slow and slightly exhilarating momentum as I reach the joy like a jumping dog in a bright flower patch along with the abundance of rice (although leftover in a non-recycleable container)...clearly not the end of this my dreams

Sunday, April 6, 2008

In My Dreams

Garage sale. Getting rid of what I no longer need. I am delayed as I search for my shoes...again.

I do find silver jewelry, my inner feminine strength on my way up the winding staircase my spiritual path.