Friday, April 25, 2008

snowy road home

I am driving my car east toward my childhood hometown. It's the trans-canada highway but there are no other cars i can see and it is covered in several feet of snow. i have to go very slow and even then i seem to be out of control. i strangely decide to get out of the car and walk. i walk several miles and come across another person who is walking but he is going back in the direction i came. i decide to turn around and go back to my car. on the way back i think i am lost because i am blindly following the other walker. there is a country club ahead and i stop in to use the bathroom. i walk intot the girls locker room past broken golf shoes. the doors on the stalls are hinged high so that everyone can see in. a housekeeper asks me to turn off the "bird" light in my stall.
barack obama is speaking at the country club. i am about to start my walk back in the snow to my car, but decide to go back and tell obama how much respect i have for how he has handled the obstacles and his life and i wish him luck. he thanks me. someone drops a brief case out the door and it slides in the snow. i run into my difficult uncle and he says he can't stop because he is late for an appointment. i ask someone if the road ahead is the transcanada highway headed west. they say yes. i start back in the deep snow wondering why i got out of my car in the first place. i could have just slowed down and made it without all the drama.

To see snow in your dream, signifies your inhibitions, repressed/unexpressed emotions and feelings of frigidity. You need to release and express these emotions and inhibitions. You may also be feeling indifferent, alone and neglected.

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