Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Easter Eggs

I'm riding a gliding bike/vehicle. I am in the lead with my husband, my mom and my sister following. We are riding south of my childhood hometown. What used to be countryside. We arrive at a daycare for disadvantaged children.

An easter egg hunt begins. Easter eggs the size of footballs are hidden in the yard. Under trees and bushes and high grass. All of the children scramble for the easter eggs that are full of sweets and heart shaped aluminum, food and some glass baby shoes.

I call for Cassidy to quickly come to find an easter egg. I am anxious that they may all be gone. she find one. It has a glass baby shoe inside with a fleur de lis etched into the top.

Eggs are potential and bikes are freedom without responsibility and shoes are our path... glass is the last barrier to the spirit world. I'm on a free-wheeling search for my spiritual potential as a mother, wife, sister and daughter. Yee ha!

1 comment:

just... jo ann said...

Good one. Glad you are back!