Sunday, June 15, 2008

Hunca Munca

I met a man this past Thursday. He reprints and publishes Beatrix Potter books, favorites of my childhood and my adulthood. A beloved character in the "Bad Mice" book is Hunca Munca (I love that name - when my daughter was little she would say my brothers name "Uncle Michael" so fast it sounded like Hunca Munca - to this day it sticks).

Six months ago I dreamt of a man in a hallway shipping boxes. When I looked in the boxes I found they were full of Beatrix Potter books. The dream man and the "real" man both had the same full head of grey hair and the same rose colored collared t-shirt. I met the real man on Hunca Munca's birthday (my brother). The man lives in a preserved historic home of "storybook" architecture. Of course.

Of note: Beatrix Potter preserved farms and land in the countryside of her birthplace.

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